For us the protection of your personal data is of special concern. Your data are processed exclusively on the basis of legal regulations (GDPR, TKG, 2003).  In this privacy policy we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within the ENFIN website which is a web service maintained by BFW.

Contact data
If you contact us by email, your data will be stored in order to process your request or for follow -up action. This information will not be disclosed.

We use Cookies to make your visit on the ENFIN website even more personal and user -friendly. These are small text files that are placed on your computer by means of the browser. They are not harmful. Some Cookies remain on your device until you delete them. They allow us to identify you as you visit us again. You may also set up your Internet browser in a way to delete or block Cookies. Disabling Cookies may restrict the use of our website.

ENFIN membership
Once you are a member of ENFIN we need from you as contact person your email address. By signing this declaration you agree to receive our ENFIN information by mail.
You can cancel the membership at any time. Please send your cancellation request to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We will then immediately delete all your data in connection with the ENFIN mailing and website.

Your legal rights
Your legal rights comprise the rights of information, correction, cancellation, restriction and data portability.
If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection laws or if your data protection claims have been injured otherwise you may complain to the regulatory authority. In Austria this is the Data Protection Authority.

You can reach us at the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Issues concerning data protection will be transmitted immediately via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the data protection office.