Klemens Schadauer

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Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW)

Started to work at the Austrian Research Centre for Forest in 1988. Since 2002 he is head of the Austrian National Forest Inventory. Chair of the ENFIN network since it was established in 2003.

“I am convinced that a common understanding of forest information in Europe is one major key for future low carbon development.”


Mats Nilsson

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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Forest Resource Management

Started to work at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in 1986. Member of the steering group of the Swedish National forest Inventory for many years and presently chairing the group. Member of the ENFIN steering group since 2012.

"ENFIN provides reliable forest information that is used by decision makers and policy makers in Europe. Both harmonized forest information for Europe and country specific forest information is provided by the network of National Forest Inventories”.


Iciar Alberdi Asensio
Steering-group member

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National Forest Research Centre (CIFOR), National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA)

12 years of experience coordinating the biodiversity survey of the Spanish National Forest Inventory and developing the methodology. Member of the steering ENFIN group since 2016.

“I am convinced that National Forest Inventories are pivotal components ensuring robust and reliable information to support a successful forest policy leading to well preserved forest habitats”

  Kari Korhonen
Steering-group member

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Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)

Started to work for the Finnish national forest  inventory in 1986. Since 2004 he has worked as the head of the NFI. Member of ENFIN's steering group since 2004.

"European NFI’s have huge potential in improving quality of decision making at European level, this motivates our work in the ENFIN network"

  Christoph Fischer
Steering-group member

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Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)

Started to work for the Swiss NFI in 2011. Since 2020 he is Head of the Scientific Service NFI and Dep. Head of the Research Program NFI. Member of the ENFIN steering group since 2022.

"Forests are important for people and society and do not stop at country borders. That is why the cross-border cooperation of the ENFIN network is essential for tackling current and future challenges."

  Gheorghe Marin
Steering-group member

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National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry "Marin Dracea"

Started to work at the Romanian National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry in 1990. Established the Romanian National Forest Inventory (RONFI) in 2006 and is the head of RONFI. Member of ENFIN’s steering  group since 2008.

"Forests are the most precious renewable natural resource of Europe. I am happy to operate in the ENFIN’s group countries for a common profound knowledge of European forests.”


François Morneau
Steering-group member

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Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (IGN)

Started to work for the French National Forest Inventory in 2007. Since 2015 he his the senior statistical officer of the NFI. Member of ENFIN's steering group since 2019.

"Decision-making for Europe must rely on high quality data, harmonised across countries, and easily accessible. This need is quickened by the ongoing climate change and its potentially drastic impacts on forests. Our exciting work within ENFIN is to provide and improve this information."


Thomas Riedel
Steering-group member

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Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries (TI)

Scientific coordinator of the German National Inventory since 2018. Member of the ENFIN steering group since 2019.



Johannes Breidenbach
Steering-group member

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Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)

Position: Research Professor. NFI method development in sampling and remote sensing.
Member of the ENFIN steering group since 2022.

“The cooperation of the NFIs in ENFIN is the base for informed forest policy making at the European level.”