Gschwantner, T., Riedel, T., Henning, L., Adame, P., Adolt, R., Aguirre, A., Alberdi, I., Avitabile, V., Cañellas, I., Di Cosmo, L.,  Fischer, C., Freudenschuß, A., Gasparini, P., Henttonen, H.M., Korhonen, K.T., Kučera, M., Marin, G., Máslo, J., Mionskowski, M., Morneau, F., Mubareka, S., Neagu, S., Nilsson, M., Pesty, B., Schadauer, K.,  Sroga, R., Talarczyk, A., Westerlund, B. (2024):
Improved large-area forest increment information in Europe through harmonisation of National Forest Inventories. Forest Ecology and Management, 562 (2024) 121913.

Schadauer, K., Astrup, R., Breidenbach, J., Fridman, J., Graeber, S., Köhl, M., Korhonen, K.T., Kvist Johannsen, V., Morneau, F., Päivinen R., Riedel, T. (2024): Access to exact National Forest Inventory plot locations must be carefully evaluated. New Phytologist, 242, 2 (2024).



Päivinen, R., Astrup, R., Birdsey, R.A, Breidenbach, J., Fridman, J., Kangas, A., Kauppi, P.E., Köhl, M., Korhonen, K.T., Kvist Johannsen, V., Morneau, F., Riedel, T., Schadauer, K., Wernick, I.K. (2023):
Ensure forest-data integrity for climate change studies. Nat. Clim. Chang. 13, 495-496 (2023).



Gschwantner, T., Alberdi, I., Bauwens, S., Bender, S., Borota, D., Bosela, M., Bouriaud, O., Breidenbach, J., Donis, J., Fischer, C., Gasparini, P., Heffernan, L., Hervé, J.-C.,  Kolozs, L., Korhonen, K.T.,  Koutsias, N., Kovácsevics, P., Kucera, M., Kulbokas, G., Kuliesis, A., Lanz, A., Lejeune , P., Lind, T., Marin, G., Morneau, F., Nord-Larsen, T., Nunes, L., Pantic, D., Redmond, J., Rego , F.C., Riedel, T., Seben, V., Sims, A., Skudnik, M., Tomter, S.M. (2022):
Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories: Historical origins, current methods and harmonisation. Forest Ecology and Management, 505 (2022) 119868.


ENFIN (2021):
How ENFIN envisions a European System for Forest Monitoring. Discussion Paper, Vienna.
Discussion Paper


Alberdi, I., Bender, S., Riedel, T., Avitable, V., Boriaud, O., Bosela, M., Camiac, A., Cañellasa, I., Castro Rego, F., Fischer, C., Freudenschuß, A., Fridman, J., Gasparini, P., Gschwantner, T., Guerrero, S., Kjartansson, B.T., Kucera, M., Lanz, A., Marin, G., Mubareka, S., Notarangelo, M., Nunes, L., Pesty, B., Pikula, T., Redmond, J., Rizzo, M., Seben, V., Snorrason, A., Tomter, S., Hernández, A. (2019): Assessing forest availability for wood supply in Europe. Forest Policy and Economics 111 (2020) 102032

Nunes, L., Álvarez-González, J., Alberdi, I., Silva, V., Rocha, M., Rego, F.C. (2019):
The occurrence of wildfires in the Iberian Peninsula in association to National Forest Inventory harmonized data. Annals of Forest Science 76: 27.

Gschwantner, T., Alberdi, I., Balázs, A. et al. (2019): Harmonisation of stem volume estimates in European National Forest Inventories. Annals of Forest Science 76:24.

Alberdi, I., Nunes, L., Kovac, M. et al. (2019): 
The conservation status assessment of Natura 2000 forest habitats in Europe: capabilities, potentials and challenges of national forest inventories data. Annals of Forest Science 76: 34.

Vauhkonen, J. & Packalen, T. (2019): Shifting from even-aged management to less intensive forestry in varying proportions of forest land in Finland: impacts on carbon storage, harvest removals, and harvesting costs. European Journal of Forest Research 138: 219.


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Vidal C., Alberdi I., Hernández, L. & Redmond J. (Eds.) (2016): National Forest Inventories - Assessment of Wood Availibility and Use. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2016.
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Alberdi, I.,  Michalak, R., Fischer, C., Gasparini, P., Brändli, U., Tomter, S.S., Kuliesis, A., Snorrason, A., Redmond, J., Hernández, L., Lanz, A., Vidondo, B., Stoyanov, N., Stoyanova, M., Vestman, M., Barreiro, S., Marin, G., Cañellas I. & Vidal C. (2016):
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Barreiro S., Schelhaas M., Kändler G., Fernández C.A., Colin A. Bontemps JD., Alberdi I., Condés S., Dumitru M., Ferezliev A., Fischer C., Gasparini P., Gschwantner T., Kindermann G., Kjartansson B., Kovácsevics P., Kucera M., Lundström A., Marin G., Mozgeris G., Nord-Larsen T., Packalen T., Redmond J., Sacchelli S., Sims A., Snorrason A., Stoyanov N., Thürig E. & Wikberg P.E. (2016):  Overview of methods and tools for evaluating future woody biomass availability in European countries. Annals of Forest Science (2016) 73: 823-837.

Gschwantner T., Lanz A., Vidal C., Bosela M., Cosmo L. Di, Fridman J., Gasparini P., Kuliešis A., Tomter S. & Schadauer K. (2016): Comparison of methods used in European National Forest Inventories for the estimation of volume increment: towards harmonisation. Annals of Forest Science (2016) 73: 807-821.

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Kuliešis, A., Tomter, S-M., Vidal, C. & Lanz, A. (2016): Estimates of stem wood increments in forest resources: comparison of different approaches in forest inventory: consequences for international reporting: case study of European forests. Annals of Forest Science (2016) 73: 857-869.

Mantau, U., Gschwantner, T., Paletto, A., Mayr, M.L., Blanke, Ch., Strukova, E., Avdagic A., Camin, P., Thivolle-Cazat, A., Döring, P., Petrauskas, E., Englert, H., Schadauer, K., Barreiro, S., Lanz, A. & Vidal, C.(2016):  From inventory to consumer biomass availability—the ITOC model. Annals of Forest Science (2016) 73: 885-894.

Tomter, S.M., Kuliešis, A. & Gschwantner, T. (2016): Annual volume increment of the European forests—description and evaluation of the national methods used.  Annals of Forest Science (2016) 73: 849-856.

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Bosela M., Redmond J., Kucera M., Marine G., Adolt R., Gschwantner T., Petráš R., Korhonen K., Kuliešis A., Kulbokas G., Fischer Ch. & Lanz A. (2015):
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Alberdi, I., Cañellas, I., Hernández, L. & Condés, S. (2013): A new method for the identification of old-growth trees in National Forest Inventories: Application to Pinus halepensis Mill. stands in Spain. Annals of Forest Sciences. 70: 277-285

L’IF n°32, Towards harmonized European forest information, IGN september 2013, 12 p.


Chirici, G., McRoberts, R.E., Winter, S., Bertini, R., Brändli, U., Alberdi, I., Bastrup-Birk, A., Rondeux, J., Barsoum, N. & Marchetti, M. (2012):
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Dunger, K., Petersson, S. H. O., Barreiro, S., Cienciala, E., Colin, A., Hylen, G., Kusar, G., Oehmichen, K., Tomppo, E., Tuomainen, T. & Ståhl, G. (2012): Harmonizing greenhouse gas reporting from European forests: Case examples and implications for European Union Level Reporting. Forest Science, 58(3), 248-256.

Gabler, K., Schadauer, K., Tomppo, E., Vidal, C., Bonhomme, C., McRoberts, R. E. & Gschwantner, T. (2012): An Enquiry on Forest Areas Reported to the Global Forest Resources Assessment—Is Harmonization Needed? Forest Science, 58(3), 201-213.

Heikkinen J., Tomppo E., Freudenschuss A., Weiss P., Hylen G., Kusar G., McRoberts R.E., Kändler G., Cienciala E., Petersson H. & Ståhl G. (2012): Interpolating and extrapolating information from periodic forest surveys for annual greenhouse gas reporting. Forest Science 58 (3), 236-247.

McRoberts, R.E., Tomppo, E., Schadauer, K. & Ståhl, G. (2012): Harmonizing National Forest Inventories. Forest Science 58 (3), 189-190.

McRoberts, R.E., Winter, S., Chirici, G. & LaPoint, E. (2012): Assessing Forest Naturalness. Forest Science 58 (3), 294-309.

Rondeux, J., Bertini, R., Bastrup-Birk, A., Corona, P., Latte, N., McRoberts, R.E., Ståhl, G., Winter, S. & Chirici, G. (2012): Assessing Deadwood Using Harmonized National Forest Inventory Data. Forest Science 58 (3), 269-283.

Ståhl, G., Cienciala, E., Chirici, G., Lanz, A., Vidal, C., Winter, S., McRoberts, R.E., Rondeux, J., Schadauer, K. & Tomppo, E. (2012): Bridging national and reference definitions for harmonizing forest statistics. Forest Science, 58(3), 214-223.

Tomter, S. M., Gasparini, P., Gschwantner, T., Hennig, P., Kulbokas, G., Kuliešis, A., Polley, H., Robert, N., Rondeux, J., Tabacchi, G. & Tomppo, E. (2012): Establishing bridging functions for harmonizing growing stock estimates: examples from European National Forest Inventories. Forest Science, 58(3), 224-235.

Tomppo, E. & Schadauer, K. (2012): Harmonization of National Forest Inventories in Europe: Advances under Cost Action E43. Forest Science 58(3): 191-200.

Winter, S., Böck, A. & McRoberts, R.E. (2012): Uncertainty of Large-Area Estimates of Indicators of Forest Structural Gamma Diversity: A Study Based on National Forest Inventory Data. Forest Science 58(3): 284-293.


Alberdi, I., Condés, S. & Martínez-Millán, J. (2010): Review of monitoring and assessing ground vegetation biodiversity in national forest inventories. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.

Tomppo E., Gschwantner T., Lawrence M. & McRoberts R.E. [Eds.] (2010): National Forest Inventories: Pathways for common reporting. Springer, Berlin: 612 S.


Gschwantner, T., Schadauer, K., Vidal, C., Lanz, A., Tomppo, E., Di Cosmo, L., Robert, N., Englert Duursma, D. & Lawrence, M. (2009): Common tree definitions for National Forest Inventories in Europe. Silva Fennica 43(2): 303-321.

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L’IF n°22 Harmonisation des données forestières européennes, IGN 2e trimestre 2009, 8 p.


Cienciala, E., Tomppo, E., Snorrason, A., Broadmeadow, M., Colin, A., Dunger, K., Exnerova, Z., Lasserre, B., Petersson, H., Priwitzer, T., Sanchez P. & Ståhl, G. (2008): Preparing emission reporting from forests : use of National Forest Inventories in European countries. Silva fennica. 42(:1), 73-88.

Vidal, C., Lanz, A., Tomppo, E., Schadauer, K., Gschwantner, T., Di Cosmo, L. & Robert, N. (2008): Establishing forest inventory reference definitions for forest and growing stock: a study towards common reporting. Silva Fennica 42(2): 247–266.